Installation Instructions

Moire is built upon Kivy framework, it is the main dependency for its core functionality. Also, you need NumPy in order to run examples and tests.


This page may give you some insights on how to set up your environment and run Moire examples, but without any guarantees. More detailed instructions are coming soon.


Possible solution for Debian-like systems:

$ sudo apt-get install python3
$ sudo pip3 install Cython==0.23
$ sudo pip3 install kivy

Run Moire examples

In order to run Noise TV environment with Moire:

  1. Clone Moire repository.
  2. Put it on Python path.
  3. Install NumPy.
  4. Run moire/examples/ with Python 3 interpreter.

Possible solution for Debian-like systems:

$ mkdir moire
$ cd moire
$ git clone
$ PYTHONPATH="$(pwd)/moire/:$PYTHONPATH" python3 ./moire/examples/